Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tanning ruins my acrylic nails?

Is it the DHA in the tanning lotion that discolors them or is it then tanning itself that discolors them?

Someone recommended wearing latex gloves. I'm assuming they meant just to put the lotion on. But is it just the lotion or the tanning?Tanning ruins my acrylic nails?
UV light from tanning beds often causes people's fingernails to turn yellow, especially if you have acrylics or other fake nails. But now there is a special tanning bed accessory that can prevent the yellowing of fingernails whenever you go tanning.

Nail Savers are little plastic covers for your nails that prevent UV light from discoloring your nails. Nail Savers are sold ten in a pack and can be used over and over. Most higher end tanning salons carry them.Tanning ruins my acrylic nails?
im pretty sure its not the lotion...i think it is the tanning. They have these little cover things that just go over your nails so they wont turn colors and you wont have a huge tan lines from whole gloves.
The lotions can discolor the nails with the bronzers in them. But the tanning bed is also part of the problem and yeah you can buy tip covers at your local beauty supply store, they're fairly cheap too. Latex gloves do help but will leave a line eventually.
its the tanning not the lotion.

at my salon they have a clear topcoat you can put on your nails to prevent the ugly yellow color

they are called UV Blocking topcoats
it's the dha. but many things can stain your acrylic nails. wear the gloves or be more careful applying it. if you already have it on, nail polish remover (nonacetone) will get most off and you can get the rest out by buffing or using hydrogen peroxide. good luck!

1 comment:

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