Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should or can I still get acrylic nails even though i play netball on a regular basis? ?

I was thinking of gettin my nails dun 4 my birthday in november but I play netball every week i really want them dun but shud or cud I ??Should or can I still get acrylic nails even though i play netball on a regular basis? ?
they are so over !!!!

who is getting them today ?

It was fashion some years ago. Should or can I still get acrylic nails even though i play netball on a regular basis? ?
Yes but not expensive one's as you'll probably lose them quickly.
no,, i dont think it would be a good idea because they would just snap off and would be too long anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

there is no point in getting them done because you will just end up wasting $40 because the acrylic will just snap off.
Don't get them if you play any kind of sport. %26gt;_%26lt; It's totally not worth it.
I dont think you should. It'll probably hurt when you get them snapped off as well..
not really worth it if you play netball they'll just snap off.

Happy birthday :-)
my friend who's a netball freak got them, but they all snapped off

so no

happy birthday!
i really wouldn't,they effin hurt when they get snapped off!
  • medium hair styles
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