the chemical reaction that happens with the glue and the acrylic can cause some heat but not really enough for you too feel and if u do it wouldnt last very long. i would try soaking your nails in just cool water or rub some vaseline around your cuticles that may help. if u want to remove them just soak your nails in a bowl of acetone or nail varnish remover that has acetone in it and it'll melt the nails, then they are easy to remove, plus u dont have to pay the salon to remove them :)Why does your finger tips throb after having acrylic nails put on? mine are hurting!?
I get my nails done all the time and they hurt bc its pressure on ur nails just like braces it will go away
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Why does your finger tips throb after having acrylic nails put on? mine are hurting!?
yeah mine used to , ecspecially if they were new, its because they pull your fingers around so much doing them.
If the pain does not go by I dont know tomorrow if you had them done today, i would go back or phone and say they are really hurting.
They do take some getting used to, dont open any cans with them, and be careful not to snap them off, pputting the key in the door etc, really hurts
Sometimes you get some one that buffs too much and then they put those chemicals on them and you don't have as thick a real nail to protect you.........try someone different next time you get your nails done.
Do you have to wear acrylic nails? I don't wear that, am cool with my natural nails...Maybe you should try it!
Could be because the tip is too small for your own nail, or maybe the side of the tip is digging into your skin at the side, this happens to me occasionally.
I found this as well, and ended up having to have them removed. The beautician in the shop where I had them done, said that this happens to some people, but didn't give a reason why
I'm wondering whether it's the glue that is contracting as it dries.
B/c they file your entire nail down to rough up the nail, so the acrylic sticks on well.
I'd definitely try somewhere else next time your fingers shouldn't be hurting. I have been having my nails done for the last few years and would be furious if my fingers hurt when I left the salon. Don't go back there!!
Having your nails acrylic nails should never hurt, or be uncomfortable in any way.
More often than not, this is the direct result of going to an unskilled tech who uses a Dremel drill, or a similar type of tool on your natural nails. They tend to overfile them, and the end result is paper thin nails which hurt for quite a while afterward. In this case, the damage has already been done, and taking them off will not make any difference.
Where you go to have your nails done make a big difference. If you go to an experienced, thoroughly trained, and highly skilled tech, your nails will never hurt from having any type of nail services done. A good tech would never use a Dremel type of tool on your natural nails. This is totally unnecessary, and its unhealthy as well.
My suggestion is to avoid the cheap nail places, and find a good tech instead. It may cost more, but its worth every cent. For help in finding a well qualified tech in your area, use these links. BTW, I have absolutely nothing to gain by posting these links. I am not associated with them in any way, nor will I profit from anyone using them. I am posting these strictly as a reference, and nothing more.
no not at all, maybe they are the wrong size
my friend once had them and she said they were misplaced on her fingers and thats why they were hurting
mine are also hurting
They hurt because before you got your acrylics on they fied your nail down, once they are removed you are left with only your thin nail. I had acrylics for about 5 years and I dealt with that same issue all the time. My advice soak them in warm water for about 5 minutes, it will relieve a little bit of the pain. If you really want my advice stop getting them. I have been acrylic nail free for over 2 years, and I get so many compliments on my nails, I make sure I get manicures every two weeks and my nails are now healthy
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