Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My mom wont let me get acrylic nails. how do i convince her to let me?

ok so im in cheer so i cant get them done til im done with competion in febuary.

i asked her and she just kept telling me that i dont have the money for the the fills and stuff. but i do. anyways. how can i convince her to let me get them??My mom wont let me get acrylic nails. how do i convince her to let me?
Well acrylic nails are really going out of fashion anyway. Right now its about the shorter brighter berry colored nails, or paler colors. And plus acrylic nails are hard to take off and damage the nails. There even is a chance that your nails will get an even more yellowish tone.( Because of the chemicals in it) So yes i dont know how to convince your mother, but just dont get them, its better for you and your mom.My mom wont let me get acrylic nails. how do i convince her to let me?
I got some acrylic nails today and i do cheer and gymnastics too so the woman cut them short enough for me to still do cheer and gymnastics. Also you can get them done at Wal-Mart for twenty-five dollars! Also the naails there will stay on for at-least three weeks if you don't pick at them. Also you don't have to get fill-in's unless you just absolutely want to. Plus they are really pretty~


PEACE Chicky!
im sure her opinion is the best and wait til you are at least 15-17 to worry bout that! Trust me you will have plenty of time to dwell on that sweetie just enjoy being young and having your mom make the decisions cause when you grow up there lots of STRESS!! good luck
well you dont want them while your doing any sports or cheer or anything. believe me if you got them done it hurts like crazy to break one.
Grow your own.

Why would you want them? They're so cheap and fake looking.
that depends on why she wont let u get them


  1. My mom keeps on telling me that they are to expensive(they are only 30$) and that she doesn't have the money for it when she gets paid over 900$ every 2 weeks and she has a boyfriend that pays for literally everything she wants and leaves me and my siblings in the dirt. So, how can i get fake nails???

  2. you shous buy a kit online

    it works preety well and it only cost aout 20 dollars
