Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How can i fix my nails after acrylic nails?

You really can't. When the tech does all of the drilling on your nails, they are literally scraping off the protective layer that keeps your nails resilient and supple. With those layers gone, when the acrylic comes off, your nails are weak. So weak, in fact, that even if you try for a few weeks, the weakened part will eventually break or tear off. I wore acrylics for years, and now I have my own healthy nails. I started taking vitamins and omega 3, and this improved the health of my nails, skin and hair. It won't happen over night, but will consistent care and taking the supplements, you will eventually see a difference.How can i fix my nails after acrylic nails?
you just have to wait for them to heal.

Acrylic nails rob your natural nails of Calcium.

Just drink lots of milk...and use alot of hand moisturiser and you should be back to normal soon.How can i fix my nails after acrylic nails?
i dont htink that you can SADLY!!! i had them also!!! i no how it is but dont worry after like a month they may go away sorry to hear it hasent yet!!!!

Thats the part I hate about em....u can't fix em....try hardner sthat seems to work most of the time....fa me...:-)
You just have to let them grow out....

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